Thursday, July 4, 2013


Welcome to my newest blog Simply Simple by Ally Marie (-thats me!)

I say my newest blog because yes I have many others, one for my professional photography, one for my family photography, one for my classroom, and I'm sure I have created another at one point but I have forgotten about it.

Anyways Simply Simple is a blog about simple things in life. My friends and followers on pinterest know I find a lot of great tips and I am constantly pinning I thought why not try some of them out and then blog about it. So this blog is about simple pins I have done (recipes, workouts, tips, cleaning, etc.), things I simply think up, and other simple things I find on the internet.

What do I mean when I say SIMPLE? Its funny because sometimes things can be complicated but I will try my best to make them simple-if I make any sense keep reading :) Not everything in life can be simple really but I will try my best to post about simple things. Now that I have said the word simple a bunch its starting to sound try say "simple" 20 times in a row ha.

Who am I? I am Ally Marie (duh thats what the title says although it would be really funny if my name was Steve Hill {thats a random name I thought of} and then I tell you this is by Ally Marie but then its really secretly by Steve Hill...haha....well I promise its by me Ally Marie.) I have a wonderful family- my husband and my almost 3 month son....more will be added later I'm sure haha. We just moved into our first home together and I have spent hours on the internet and pinterest trying to get ideas for decoration in our home. Also I have tried my hardest to take on the role of mom and wife-meaning I am constantly cleaning, shopping, and making meals....I also bathe and take care of my son (not my husband haha he can do that himself). Oh and I finally am getting into a schedule with the baby so I now have some (just a little bit) time to work this blog is about all of that. I dont really have any free time to start this new blog but with the invention of smart phones I can blog when I'm doing other stuff like laundry, feeding the baby, working out, cooking, get the idea: basically I am a busy mom but I have lots of information I would like to share with people so I am finding time to blog about it.

I have to specify that my last name is not Marie.....when I was born my mother (like most) gave me a middle name and really my middle name has only ever been used on really formal documents, at graduations, when I'm in trouble, and for a short period of time (like a month) when I wanted to be a singer Ally-Marie. So I figured in my 23 years of life my middle name has only been used a few times so why do I have one? Well now I'm not going to go changing my name but I am going to use my middle name on this blog....I should be using it for something right......I mean I got it because my great grandmas first name was Marie so maybe I could honor her a little by using it in this blog (she was pretty simple she happily lived through the great depression).

By the way I am almost graduated from college and someday soon I hope to be a teacher so I will also blog about educational stuff too :)

So I hope you enjoy my blog and appreciate the time I have put into it. Please feel free to comment on posts to let me know what you think-you dont have to have an account to comment!

-Simply Yours-
Ally Marie

P.S. I promise anything I blog about will not be stolen from other blogs or websites- I will always link the original site in my blog!

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